This is the first step in our player pathway and is focused on educating the basic fundamentals of the game in a fun, encouraging environment.
We offer seasonal commitment at this age, splitting the soccer year into two seasons – Summer/Fall (June-Nov) and Spring (Jan-May). The option is there for year-round soccer but we do not require it.
Practices will be held twice a week in your respective location and league play is managed in-house with divisions made up of Western WA Surf SC teams from all 6 of our club locations.
In addition, these teams will participate in 2 Jamborees in the Summer and 2 Jamborees in the Spring.
Each Jnr Development team is led by one of our professional coaches following the Surf curriculum to ensure maximum development for your player.
Interested in joining a Surf Jnr Development team? Click HERE!
All Jnr Development teams (U6-U8) will be placed in JDL divisions appropriate to their level and age group.
For more information on the JDL, please click HERE!