Financial Policies
It is your intent to honor the commitment to play with Western Washington Surf for the entire season for which you are registering.
Failure to fulfill your financial obligations to Western Washington Surf will result in the player not being able to train and the player card being restricted to prevent competing in games until financial obligations are satisfied.
Any player with an unpaid balance and not having made acceptable payment arrangements will be subject to collections by an agency chosen by the Club. Participation in future tryouts will not be allowed without full payment from the previous season. Western Washington Surf reserves the right to withhold the release of a player to a new club if there are any unpaid fees.
All players are required to share equally in team expenses in addition to the Club registration and uniform fees. Team fees are set by the Club and based on any tournament costs, coaches travel, and general team expenses. Team fees are non-refundable.
Families will submit their payment at the time of registration.
All Western Washington Surf Club Registration fees, Team fees and Deposits are non-refundable. Exceptions may be made only in accordance with the following policy:
Medical Exceptions – Credit on account related to significant injury or illness will be granted only with medical documentation from a physician and will be prorated.
Relocation – If a family is relocating farther than 150 miles during the season, Western Washington Surf will provide a refund that will be prorated.